
Hymen Anomalies:

Sometimes we can observe anomalies and various types of hymen, resulting in various complications:

  • Imperforate hymenal opening nonexistent: will require minor surgery if it has not corrected itself by puberty to allow menstrual fluids to escape.
  • Micro perforate: sometimes confused for imperforate, the hymenal opening appears to be nonexistent, but has, under close examination, small openings.
  • Septate: the hymenal opening has one or more bands of tissue extending across the opening.

The Permanent technique of Hymenoplasty:

In some cultures, an intact hymen is highly valued at marriage mainly to show virginity, some women undergo hymenoplasty, a restoration procedure of their hymen for this reason.

Hymenoplasty will require a local anesthetic duration (30 minutes) and no hospitalization; Dr Caroline OSMAN will use dissolvable stitches to reconnect the skin membrane that once partially covered the opening to the vagina or can reconstruct a flap to do the hymenoplasty depending of your case   ( tightening and new flap of the hymen) , the results will be natural and esthetic with no signs on the exam after 1 month, and permanent till the day of a new sexual intercourse which can cause pain and bleeding as a virgin .

No recovery time is needed, only preventing some movements (Dr. Caroline will explain it) and without any risks of infection.

Our clinic provides a complete confidentiality and discretion for every lady.

Dr Caroline completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Paris, France in 2003. During that time, she acquired diplomas and gained extensive experience.

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