Sexual Female Dysfunction

A recent study showed that nearly one-third of women aged 18 to 59 suffer from a lost interest in sex, and it’s not all in their heads.

Sexual Dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction can be a result of a physical or psychological problem.

  • Physical causes: Many physical and/or medical conditions can cause problems with sexual function. These conditions include diabetes, heart disease, neurological diseases, hormonal imbalances, menopause plus such chronic diseases as kidney disease or liver failure, and alcoholism or drug abuse. In addition, the side effects of certain medications, including some antidepressant drugs, can affect sexual desire and function.
  • Psychological causes: stress and anxiety, concern about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, or the effects of a past sexual trauma.

How Does Sexual Dysfunction Affect Women?
The most common problems related to sexual dysfunction in women include:

  • Inhibited sexual desire.
  • Inability to become aroused.
  • Lack of orgasm (anorgasmia). This is the absence of sexual climax (orgasm). It can be caused by a woman’s sexual inhibition, inexperience, lack of knowledge, and psychological factors such as guilt, anxiety, or a past sexual trauma or abuse. Other factors contributing to anorgasmia include insufficient stimulation, certain medications, and chronic diseases.
  • Painful intercourse.

Can Female Sexual Dysfunction Be Cured?

Dr Caroline will explain to you that the success of the treatment for female sexual dysfunction depends on the underlying cause of the problem. The outlook is good for dysfunction that is related to a treatable or reversible physical condition. Mild dysfunction that is related to stress, fear, or anxiety often can be successfully treated with counseling, education, and improved communication between partners.

Dr Caroline completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Paris, France in 2003. During that time, she acquired diplomas and gained extensive experience.

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